Updating Hotkeys

How to update hotkeys at runtime

You can update hotkeys using the Update() method. It works the same way as string replacement where you provide the current string and its replacement option:

hkl.Update(hotkey1, new Hotkey(Keys.Control | Keys.Alt, Keys.T));

Hotkey updates can occur even when the application is running. However, something important you need to note is that always use variables to store hotkeys since in this way, whenever an update to the hotkey occurs, it will automagically be detected in the HotkeyPressed event.

Here's what I mean:

Hotkey hotkey3 = new Hotkey(Keys.Control | Keys.Alt, Keys.T);

// To update our hotkey, simply pass the current hotkey with 
// a 'ref' keyword to the variable and its replacement.
hkl.Update(ref hotkey3, new Hotkey(Keys.Alt, Keys.T);

This will ensure that both the hotkey and its variable have been updated to reflect the changes made. This design is especially handy if your application saves user settings after update.

Here's another classical example of updating a hotkey:

Hotkey hotkey1 = new Hotkey(Keys.Control | Keys.Alt, Keys.T);
Hotkey hotkey2 = new Hotkey(Keys.Alt, Keys.T);

// Once we reference the variable hotkey1, this will 
// update the hotkey and listen for its key-presses.
hkl.Update(ref hotkey1, hotkey2);

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