Enabling Hotkey Selection For Controls

How to enable hotkey-selection for default Windows Controls and User Controls

Firstly off, instantiate a new HotkeySelector instance:

var hks = new HotkeySelector();

To enable any control for hotkey selection, use the Enable() method:


When enabling a control, you can set the default hotkey to be displayed:

// We'll use the hotkey we defined in our previous examples.
hks.Enable(textBox1, hotkey1);

...or we can create a new hotkey then set it as the default hotkey for a selector control:

// Create a new hotkey.
Hotkey hotkey2 = new Hotkey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift, Keys.J);

// ...then set the default hotkey for a selector.
hks.Enable(textBox1, hotkey1);

To set a hotkey without necessarily enabling the control for hotkey selection, use the Set() method:

hks.Set(textbox1, hotkey1);

HotkeySelector also helps detect whether a hotkey or hotkey-combination is a Windows-registered hotkey or not and therefore unavailable for use - e.g. Control+Alt+Delete. So no need to account for such scenarios. 😉

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