Adding Hotkeys

How to add hotkeys using Hotkey Listener

First, ensure you import the library's namespace:

using WK.Libraries.HotkeyListenerNS;

...then instantiate the class and add some hotkeys:

Hotkey Listener has its own built-in Hotkey class that lets you define modifiers and keys.

var hkl = new HotkeyListener();

// Define a new hotkey using the Hotkey class. 
// Parameters are: [modifiers], [keys].
Hotkey hotkey1 = new Hotkey(Keys.Control | Keys.Shift, Keys.J);

// You can also define a hotkey in string format. 
// Visit for more info.
Hotkey hotkey2 = new Hotkey("Control+Shift+D4");


The Add() method also allows adding an array of hotkeys:

hkl.Add(new[] { hotkey1, hotkey2 });

Important: If you're building an application that has no external user-option for changing or customizing the default hotkey(s) set, something you'll need to consider when working with global hotkeys is that there are a number of predefined keys or key-combinations already in use within a number of applications such as Google Chrome - for example Control+Tab. This then means that you might need to find the right key or key combination to use when shipping your applications.

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